Labour market fund Reiswerk

Reiswerk is the labour market fund for the travel sector. We are here for all employees who work in this sector. Our objective is to ensure there are sufficient future-proof travel professionals. Our activities are geared towards attracting new talent and the retention of employees in the travel sector. We also provide information about employment conditions and labour market developments in the travel sector. Our website is the leading knowledge platform for everyone who works, or wants to work, in the travel sector.


What exactly does Reiswerk do?

Influx of new people
A healthy sector receives a consistently sufficient influx of well-qualified and motivated employees. A number of our activities focus on attracting new employees. 
For example, a labour market campaign this summer, with the objective of encouraging many new employees to pursue a career in the travel sector. This campaign further highlights the versatility of various disciplines at every level.

We also organise events for upcoming talent, including the Travel Challenge. A multi-day event where students from different study programmes work on a business case for the travel sector in multi-discipliniary teams. Travel agents, the education sector, and students attend the event. It is a good opportunity for students to network with one of the travel agents in attendance. Several participants landed jobs after taking part in previous editions of the Travel Challenge. 

On our website you'll find a jobboard consisting a lot of great vacancies in the travel industry!

Learning & Development
The travel sector is a dynamic sector that is evolving rapidly. As a result, the work of individual employees is changing too. This requires agile employees and training in new skills and competencies for (prospective) employees. It is important for travel agents to encourage and facilitate a culture of learning. Reiswerk hosts the ‘Travel College’ learning platform, which all employees in the travel sector can use free of charge. That way, we facilitate lifelong learning. 

Reiswerk also liaises closely with intermediate and higher educational institutions, to ensure the right people opt for a career in the travel sector.

Labour Affairs
The dynamic and changing travel sector requires tools with which travel agents and their employees can remain future-proof. We carry out projects relating to the collective labour agreement and employment conditions, we offer travel sector employees various tools, we organise workshops and expert meetings on specific themes.

Employment conditions
Reiswerk also informs travel sector employees about the employment terms and conditions adopted by the industry. A great deal of information about the travel sector's collective labour agreement can be found on our website.

Labour Market Research
We carry out labour market research in the travel sector every year to gain an insight into employment opportunities in the sector now and in future. This way, we map employment opportunities and the demographic data of travel professionals. Not only does this research give jobseekers an accurate idea of their labour market prospects, it also gives travel agents an insight into their brand and image as an employer.


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